Thursday 26 January 2023


How To Land DJI mini 2 | Simple Guide

 Landing the DJI Mini 2 drone can be done by following these steps:

  • Bring the drone to a hover at the desired landing location.

  • Press and hold the left joystick down to initiate the landing process. The drone's motors will start to slow down, and the drone will begin to descend.

  • As the drone descends, use the left joystick to control the drone's movement and position it over the landing spot.

  • Once the drone is a few inches above the ground, release the left joystick to allow the drone to automatically land.

  • Once the drone has landed, press the left joystick down again to turn off the motors.

It's important to note that it's always a good idea to check the drone's battery level before landing to ensure that the drone has enough power to complete the landing safely. Additionally, you should also check the weather conditions and the surroundings before landing, to make sure it is safe to land, it would also be a good idea to use the Return To Home feature if you're unsure about the landing spot or if you're in a hurry.


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