Sunday 8 January 2023


How To Drone Fish

 Drone fishing is a new and innovative way to fish using a remotely controlled drone to bait, hook, and land the fish. Here are the steps to follow to drone fish:

  • First, make sure that you have all the necessary equipment, including a drone specifically designed for fishing, a fishing rod and reel, and appropriate fishing line and bait.

  • Check the local laws and regulations regarding drone fishing to ensure that you are allowed to do it in your area.

  • Choose a body of water to fish in, such as a lake, river, or ocean, and scout out a good location to set up.

  • Set up your fishing equipment and attach the bait to the end of the line.

  • Launch the drone and fly it out over the water, using the remote control to steer it to the desired location.

  • Once the drone is in position, lower the bait into the water using the remote control.

  • Wait for a fish to bite, and then use the remote control to reel in the line and land the fish.

It's important to note that drone fishing is still a relatively new activity and is not yet widely regulated. As a result, it is important to be mindful of the potential impacts on fish populations and the environment, and to follow responsible fishing practices.


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