Monday 2 January 2023


5 Funny Drone Quotes That Will Have You Laughing Out Loud

 Here are a few funny quotes about drones:

  • "I'm pretty sure I saw a drone delivering a pizza the other day. If that doesn't scream 'the future is now,' I don't know what does."

  • "I keep trying to use my drone to take a selfie, but it just keeps flying away."

  • "I think my drone is trying to tell me something. It keeps crashing into trees and flying off cliffs. Maybe it's trying to escape."

  • "I was trying to fly my drone and I ended up crashing it into a tree. I guess it just didn't want to be a part of my aerial photography project."

  • "I was out flying my drone and I saw a bird flying towards it. I was worried it was going to attack, but then the bird just flew past and gave the drone a disgusted look. I guess even birds think drones are annoying."


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