Tuesday 27 December 2022


Understanding BVLOS Drone Operations: Regulations, Requirements, and Best Practices

 BVLOS stands for "beyond visual line of sight." In the context of drone operations, it refers to the ability to fly a drone beyond the operator's line of sight. This can be challenging, as it requires the operator to rely on other forms of navigation and communication, such as GPS and radio links, to maintain control of the drone.

BVLOS operations are generally considered more complex and risky than flying a drone within visual line of sight (WVLOS). As a result, they are often subject to additional regulations and restrictions. For example, many countries require drone operators to obtain special permission or certification to fly BVLOS.

Despite the challenges and restrictions, BVLOS operations are becoming increasingly common, especially in the commercial drone industry. They are used for a variety of purposes, including inspecting pipelines, power lines, and other infrastructure, conducting surveillance, and delivering goods.

To fly a drone BVLOS, operators typically need to have advanced training and skills, as well as the necessary equipment and technologies. This may include long-range radio links, redundant GPS systems, and other safety features. Operators may also need to have a deep understanding of the local airspace and regulations, as well as the weather conditions and other factors that can affect the safety and performance of the drone.


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