Tuesday 27 December 2022


Nav Canada and Drone Operations: Regulations, Safety Standards, and Advisory Council

 Nav Canada is the private, not-for-profit corporation that provides air navigation services (including control towers, flight service stations, and radar services) for the vast majority of Canada's airspace. Nav Canada is responsible for ensuring the safe and efficient flow of air traffic within its jurisdiction, which includes the management of airspace and the provision of services to pilots and other airspace users.

In recent years, Nav Canada has taken an active role in the development of regulations and guidelines for the operation of drones in Canada. This includes working with Transport Canada, the Canadian government agency responsible for transportation safety, to develop regulations and safety standards for the operation of drones in Canadian airspace. Nav Canada has also established a drone advisory council, which brings together stakeholders from across the drone industry to help shape the direction of drone regulation and policy in Canada.


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