Saturday 24 December 2022


Drone Height Limits: What You Need to Know

 There are various regulations that govern the operation of drones, including height limits. These regulations can vary depending on where you are operating the drone and for what purpose. Here are some general guidelines for drone height limits:

In the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires that drones be flown at or below 400 feet above ground level (AGL) when in uncontrolled airspace. This means that drones should not be flown higher than 400 feet AGL unless they are in controlled airspace and have permission from air traffic control.

In some areas, local laws or ordinances may impose additional height limits on drone operation. For example, some cities or towns may have laws that prohibit drones from flying higher than a certain height over certain properties, such as schools or hospitals.

When flying a drone for commercial purposes, the FAA requires that the drone be flown at or below 400 feet AGL unless it is flying within 400 feet of a structure, in which case it can be flown up to 400 feet above the structure.

When flying a drone for recreational purposes, the FAA recommends that you fly your drone at or below 400 feet AGL and keep it within sight at all times.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the specific regulations that apply to your area and the purpose of your drone flight before operating a drone.


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